RF Optix (Pty) Limited is a registered South African business with local management control. We have established ourselves as a reputable brand with global recognition in the telecommunications industry. We provide complete network infrastructure solutions across South Africa.

RF Optix, as the former UK-owned AlanDick brand has established itself as an expert in the field of inbuilding solutions.  We have selected a world renowned partner in Zinwave to achieve our continued expert solutions.

Zinwave provides inbuilding cellular and public safety connectivity on a single hardware layer with design and installation that’s easy, flexible and familiar, resembling the way WiFi is installed. It’s made up of just five components, but those five components make Zinwave different than other in-building wireless solution providers zinwave.com

After the name change from AlanDick to RF Optix in April 2019, we continue to provide solutions all over South Africa since early 2000.

We aim to be a leading player in our market, establishing ourselves as a first-choice provider of complete communication network infrastructure solutions.

From feasibility study and conceptual design to installation and commissioning, we have proven our ability to plan, develop, integrate, optimise, manage and maintain telecommunication network infrastructure solutions across South-Africa.

RF Optix offers a world class range of components, developed to ensure maximum reliability and quality for complex solutions. All components are available to order from our product catalogue.


We aim to meet and exceed our customers’ requirements for performance, timescale and service whilst achieving our business goals. We will support the current and future needs of the business, and are committed towards the ongoing improvements of our products and services through a process of employment participation and teamwork.

Our Quality Management System enables us to monitor performance against our business objectives, to achieve high standards in meeting our customer’s specified needs, to comply with appropriate statutory and regulatory requirements, through a proactive and preventative culture.



As a major infrastructure solutions provider to the communications industry, we recognise the interaction between our activities, products, services and the environment; and is therefore committed to maintaining a high standard of environmental care.

Overall, the business presents a low risk to the environment, but recent reviews have identified management of waste, prevention of pollution and energy consumption as the aspects to which we need to pay most attention.

We do this through:

  • Encouraging a culture of continual improvement.
  • Compliance with all relevant legislation and other requirements.
  • Identifying objectives and setting targets.
  • Implementing and maintaining effective environmental procedures.
  • Ensuring a high level of employee awareness on environmental issues.
  • Minimising the use of resources and the production of waste.
  • Promoting the reuse and recycling of products.

Performance is regularly monitored through Audit and Management Review and this Environmental Policy is communicated to all employees, other interested parties and made available to the public on request.